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Welcome To The Practical Joker Archive

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작성자 작성일 24-08-27 20:32 조회 4 댓글 0


huong-dan-cach-massage-tai-nha-chong-lao-hoa-1.png Take a ballon and blow it up, don't tie it, and shut it in the door frame so when someone opens the door the baloon shoots out and makes a farting noise. We all gathered around the door as he left our DM's office to laugh at him. We are all waiting for the retaliation! When the nosey guests open the medicine cabinet, the booby trap will catch them. Buy three chickens from a farm (crazed and erratic ones work best) and label them 1, 2, and 4, then release them in a school and watch as the people catch the three chickens and then spend hours looking for the phantom chicken that doesn’t exist. This went on for ngaytho dalat quite a while and myteriously one had to leave work for some unknown reason! After which you walk off (while watching the unsuspecting party trying to make the fountain work). Tell the stranger to keep the rope tight, and then walk away. Wait till its dark outside and go to a remote, unlit intersection with some sort of posts on either side. Then leave the old paper out along side the lottery ticket which you have switched with theirs. Leave enough space for 1 drop of Dave's and then cover the drop with caramel. This a​rt​icle was  done by GSA Content​ G​enerator​ D​em​oversi​on!

Space out the questions so they have time to repeat their order between each inane round of questioning. You are using an out of date browser. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Note the size and color of the signs and bring your own replacement signs next time you visit the buffet. Next time you go through the drive in with a friend tell them you heard they had a new promotional. When they ask, Would you like fries with that? I recommend this for a friends house that is throwing a big party. When your "victim" sits down, theyre in for a BIG surprise! Go to a fast food drive-thru with a speaker system and post a big sign in red letters on the speaker that reads, "SPEAKER IS BROKEN PLEASE SPEAK LOUD." Park your car within earshot of the speaker, then watch and listen for the shouting to begin. I did this to my mom, and she was soooo mad at the thought that I had painted the fridge with fingernail polish. I did this to a buddy and he spent weeks trying to find the rattle. Po st w as c᠎re​ated with G​SA Content G​en​er​at᠎or Demoversi on.

i-m-so-happy-with-you-cheerful-woman-comfy-pajamas-laughing-while-joking-playing-with-her-boyfriend-latin-man-carrying-her-girlfriend_662251-1288.jpg The entire kitchen filled with soap suds and it took him over six hours to clean up the mess. Make a duct tape and paper "tunnel" on the blades of the ceiling fan, fill with confetti. All you need is a ceiling fan, a roll of duct tape, and some confetti (if you're feeling especially nasty, use glitter). When playing pool, ask an opponent if you can use their chalk. Use a stiff cardboard held tightly over the brim of the glass to accomplish the flip maneuver, then slide out the card so the filled glass is sitting upside down on the counter. Put a piece of duct tape over the motion sensing part and the people will be outside waving and jumping in front of the light trying to get it to go on. Result: Two strangers are standing on each side of a corner, wondering when you will be back, and eventually wandering why they are holding a rope. One guy pushed the two by four into the saw blade while the other one squirted ketchup on the blade and started screaming. About two years ago I ran into a friend's house while he was having a party.

Sneak into a roommates room at night and set their clock ahead two hours and their alarm ahead two hours. Tell two strangers that are about to meet that the other is very hard of hearing. Invariably he will say that's easy or that shouldnt be hard to do. You respond with oh yeah, bet you cant get it in six tries. As soon as he sticks the funnel in his pants and tilts back his head, everybody reaches out and dumps thier cup of water down the funnel. With a little planning and practice missing the funnel, this joke will pull off without a hitch, and is simply hilarious. I then took the goat to a co-workers house and put it in the fence yard and took his dog. He hid a Babe Ruth candy bar (still in wrapper) in his swim trunks. When at a friends house, take a bar of soap from their shower.

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